Every telecomm company is as big a corporate welfare bum as you could ask for. Try to imagine what it would cost at market rates to go around to every house in every town in every country and pay for the right to block traffic and dig up roads and er...
Quiz Kid Donnie Smith: Do you know who I am? Thurston Howell: You're a friend of the family, I presume. Quiz Kid Donnie Smith: What does that mean? Thurston Howell: Nothing special. Just a spoke in the wheel. Quiz Kid Donnie Smith: You talk in rhymes...
Poi è andata com'è andata. É andata come sappiamo. Sono finite le autoriduzioni, le lotte armate, le rivoluzioni, le autonomie operaie. Ai concerti si paga il biglietto, e che biglietto. I musicisti sono diventati rockstar, o almeno ci hanno prova...