You are my finest knight
The heart wants what the heart wants.
Rostit ori nerostit, un gând e o realitate și are putere.
The tongue is the best masseur of furrowed brows.
The opinions of others cannot damage you.
Friends are born, not made.
Chaos was the law of nature; Order was the dream of man.
A friend in power is a friend lost.
[Theology is a] web of contradictions and delusions.
I want to be with you forever and beyond...
If I couldn't sleep, I could read.
For Time calls only once, and that determines all.
Heaven means to be one with God.
Only people with full stomachs become environmentalists.
If we keep on fucking, I'm not gonna die.
Porque, Ever,la vida nopretende ser como un libro abierto.
Self-conciousness is the enemy of all creativity.
Fire is bright and fire is clean.
Hate is the father of all evil.
Freedom without responsibility? What freedom is that? None at all.
Nice people don't necessarily fall in love with nice people.