It is very difficult to win. It's not in my script.
Harvard was a kind of luxurious afternoon.
Were it not better to forget than to remember and regret?
He who plants a tree, plants a hope.
Music doesn't have a body, but that's real...
I'm very active, wild woman.
The miracle is not to walk on water. The miracle is to walk on earth.
I became the kind of parent my mother was to me.
In Blow-up I used my head instinctively!
Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.
All of us are so mixed. My great-grandfather was white.
I said I was 'The Greatest,' I never said I was the smartest!
People are either born hosts or born guests.
It is easier to confess a defect than to claim a quality.
Mates such as they must stand by one another
Law is a formless mass of isolated decisions.
Pretensions to moral superiority are devastatingly destructive.
Hierarchy works well in a stable environment.
To identify the enemy is to free the mind.
Privilege is the greatest enemy of right.
Alle Dinge müssen, der Mensch allein ist das Wesen, welches will.