I don't want ever to be guilty of what my critics claim: doing formula without original elements.
Piers AnthonyIt would be easier to write a novel without reader input, but I feel the fiction is richer for it.
Piers AnthonyOne reason I don't suffer Writer's Block is that I don't wait on the muse, I summon it at need.
Piers AnthonyI would be very, very uncomfortable at teaching, at dreaming to teach, people things.
Philippa GregoryThe old laws do not stand. Everything can be remade. Marriage does not mean marriage now
Philippa GregoryDon’t ask for advice too much. Go with you, as gritty as that might be at times.
Porochista KhakpourThat’s why it’s difficult to write about your own life. Any distortion feels like a betrayal.
Paul ParkWords fashioned with somewhat over precise diction are like shapes turned out by a cookie cutter.
Peter De VriesYou could arm-wrestle with a T. rex and win, but you shouldn't because it only makes them mad.
Robert T. Bakker