I'm a very slow reader.
I always wanted to be wealthy. I did.
He needs little who desires but little.
I'm a very friendly socialist.
We are homesick most for the places we have never known.
I don't initiate violence, I retaliate.
Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it.
he who will not economize will have to agonize
All the evolution we know of proceeds from the vague to the definite.
I'm concerned about the unknowability of other people.
The tongue of man is a twisty thing.
I have a plot, but not much happens.
Mathematicians do not study objects, but relations between objects.
Need we add that mathematicians themselves are not infallible?
Every cause produces more than one effect.
The path of social advancement is, and must be, strewn with broken friendships.
I had rather be called a journalist than an artist.
I'm a dilettante. My governing word is 'curiosity.'
We overvalue the arts in relation to the sciences.
You can't impose a legacy.
La mina siempre es más grande que la joya.