Hell is a half-filled auditorium.
She made a ravishing corpse.
The stitch of a book is its words.
Writing is an incessant process of discovery.
Charity is willingly given from the heart.
Compassion is no substitute for justice.
Poverty is not the root cause of crime.
I never cared what kind of grade I got.
America is a mistake, a giant mistake.
I like my zombies slow and I like my zombies stupid.
I'm not a brand name, I'm a person.
I went to Princeton in the fall of 1930 as a half-time instructor.
I think Veblen had an interest in logic.
Speech is the mirror of action.
I'm a citizen of the republic of empathy.
Optimism is life with sprinkles on top.
My cellphone calls random people.
I'm glad to share my views.
We are sorry for the inconvenience, but this is a revolution.
If everything is mission, nothing is mission.
A lie never lives to be old.