What is art but a way of seeing?
Art is the objectification of feeling, and the subjectification of nature.
The best is the enemy of good.
An optimist is a braver cynic.
Religion isn't the opium of the people, it's the hypocrisy.
Talent is a flame. Genius is a fire.
What worries you, masters you.
When one teaches, two learn.
The price of greatness is responsibility.
Your best teacher is your last mistake.
Education is the best economic policy there is.
Military men are the scourges of the world.
To be or not to be that is the question.
Mystery is at the heart of creativity. That, and surprise.
Don't be 'consistent', but be simply true.
Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative.
Charity creates a multitude of sins.
Only the shallow know themselves.
Either this wallpaper goes, or I do.
Hearts Live By Being Wounded
I'm too old to know everything