Ron Woodroof: Welcome to the Dallas Buyers Club!
There are more buyers than connoisseurs.
Rayon: This guy says that the Florida Buyers Club is cheaper. Ron Woodroof: Well then, tell him to go back to the FUCKIN' SUNSHINE STATE!
Most of what we know about sales comes from a world of information asymmetry, where for a very long time sellers had more information than buyers. That meant sellers could hoodwink buyers, especially if buyers did not have a lot of choices or a way t...
My dad was a cotton buyer and cotton buyers always considered themselves superior to the rest of the world.
Rayon: [on boyfriend] Isn't he cute?
The buyer needs a hundred eyes, the seller not one.
There are more foolish buyers than foolish sellers.
The buyer needs a hundred eyes; the seller but one.
Ron Woodroof: Am I fucking dreaming?
You, as a food buyer, have the distinct privilege of proactively participating in shaping the world your children will inherit.
From Nanking to Beijing, buyers are never as smart as the sellers.
Ron Woodroof: I like your style, doc.
There are more fools among buyers than among sellers.
Rayon: I've been looking for you, lone star.
Ron Woodroof: Watch what you eat and who you eat.
If there are many buyers in the market, the merchant doesn't wash his turnips.
Today, there are also buyers and sellers of all these energy commodities, just like there are buyers and sellers of food commodities and many other commodities.
Dr. Eve Saks: He was my friend too!
Rayon: You know what? You don't deserve my money, you homophobic asshole.