I'm an incompetent consumer. I have two settings: Buy and Don't Buy.
I buy DVDs. I don't really buy CDs unless they're for other people.
Let's make what Americans buy. Buy what Americans make. And sell it to the world.
Personal relationships are always the key to good business. You can buy networking; you can't buy friendships.
Hollywood can buy a lot of pieces of the puzzle, but the great thing is they can never buy word of mouth.
I definitely don't think that money can buy you love. It can buy you affection but certainly not love.
Money can buy you attention, but it can never buy you true respect.
I could buy an island. I could buy a private jet - but I have NetJets.
Clothes are expensive. You have to buy them, and to buy them, you have to believe in them.
I used to get my money at the end of the week, buy my mum something, or buy a record, and that was it.
Only buy things that make your heart sing. If I don't love it, I won't buy it.
We buy books because we believe we're buying the time to read them. [ (VH1)]
You hear about women buying shoes? I buy DVDs. I definitely have a problem.
You can always buy her back later.
Running and buying don't go together -- running and selling do.
A friend you have to buy; enemies you get for nothing.
You can buy everything, except a father and a mother.
All salvation is temporary, . . . I bought them a minute. Maybe that's the minute that buys them an hour, which is the hour that buys them a year. No one's gonna buy them forever, Hazel Grace, but my life bought them a minute. And that's not nothing.
My advice is this: If you want to buy funds, buy no-loads, because you'll spare yourself the commission. But every time you sell, whether you buy another fund or not, put 5% into an account for your spouse to blow on whatever. Two things will happen....
Don't buy books for your shelf, buy them for yourself.
It proved easier to buy the farm to get the mineral rights than to buy the coal rights alone.