I love carrot cake - that's probably my favorite - and I'm obsessed with peanut butter. I eat anything with peanut butter - maybe not carrot cake with peanut butter - but, I think I got this from 'The Parent Trap': Oreos and peanut butter; I like tha...
What I love is a peanut butter and pickle sandwich. I'll just have peanut butter and bananas, then peanut butter and pickles. Peanut butter and chocolate I don't recommend.
If you don't mind smelling like peanut butter for two or three days, peanut butter is darn good shaving cream.
Where there is butter there are flies.
All is not butter that comes from the cow.
You can spread jelly on the peanut butter but you can't spread peanut butter on the jelly.
When I was 11 my friend's mom made a peanut butter sandwich. I ate the sandwich and was like, 'I'm never eating anything else again.' And I still eat peanut butter every day. I would put peanut butter on a steak.
Peanut butter is the pate of childhood.
I actually put peanut butter on my bagel. I really like peanut butter and I like to ruin the bagel. You know what's even crazier that I do sometimes? I do cinnamon raisin bagels with peanut butter. It is really, really out there.
The man who did the shouting at the P.S.U.C. post down on our right was an artist at the job. Sometimes, instead of shouting revolutionary slogans he simply told the Facists how much better we were being fed than they were. His account of the Governm...
Peanut butter is a poor man’s marmalade.
He fell with his nose in the butter.
How easily a hair gets into the butter.
I just finished 'Butter' for Weinstein, a comedy with this incredible cast - Hugh Jackman, Olivia Wilde, Alicia Silverstone - all-star cast and it was a fun set to be on. I've gotten really lucky to get all these down-to-earth cast members. 'Butter' ...
I make a mean peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
If your head is made of butter, don't be a baker.
To the fiancT -- milk; to the bride -- butter; to the husband -- cheese.
Love is like butter -- it's good with bread.
I like bread, and I like butter - but I like bread with butter best.
Nothing takes the taste out of peanut butter quite like unrequited love.
I cannot walk past Peanut Butter M&Ms and Oreos.