Before me, there was no money, no business with yoga.
Fashion is a hard business.
Business must be the solution, not the problem.
Politics is the reflex of the business and industrial world.
Television isn't my career. Business is.
Business is in itself a power.
Thought, not money, is the real business capital.
Farming's always been my business.
This is a business. Be smart. Choose wisely.
I'm not in the business of harassing anybody.
Business is the salt of life.
Haiti is open for business!
I'm proud of my status as a pioneer in this business.
Doing business in Jamaica is not easy, but it is rewarding.
Politics is a highly tribal business.
Insults are the business of the court.
I'm so bored by business and money.
What is good for society is also good for business.
Radio is commercial, isn't it. Its a business.
This is one hell of a business I picked to be in.
Punctuality is the soul of business.