Kitaplara ne kadar çok yer verirseniz verin, asla yetinmezler. Önce, duvarları işgal ederler. Ardından adım attıkları her yeri işgal etmeye başlarlar. Kitapların işgalinden nasibini almayacak evin tek köşesi tavanlardır. Yeni kitaplar ...
Cennet, cehennem ya da benzer kavramlara gelince, doğrusu ölümünden sonra ne olduğu konusuyla sanıldığı kadar ilgili değilizdir,din sayın düşünür,dünyevi bir konudur aslında,öbür tarafla ya da göğün yedi katıyla hiçbir ilgisi ...
You’d throw yourself in front of a bus for me.” She would and he knew it.He knew it and she knew that he felt that knowledge burrow deep and he liked it. Elle felt tears stinging the backs of her eyes, her body melted into his,her arms tightened ...
Resmin ilk konusu hayvanlardı. Ve en baştan başlayıp Sümer, Asur, Mısır ve ilk dönem Yunan resminde devam eden bir çizgide, bu hayvanların tasvirleri olağanüstü derecede hakikidir. İnsan gövdesinin tasvirinde eşdeğer bir ‘gerçek-g...
Birine aşık olunca, ömrün boyunca onu aramışsın da sonunda bulmuşsun gibi, geçmişini tekrar kurgularsın. Basit tesadüfler aşkın ilahi gücünün işareti olur çıkar. Şimdi buraya yazınca bak ne kadar gülünç olacak: Lise sonda aş...
Pain is subtle. He has cold grey fingers. His voice is horse from crying & screaming... When people try to avoid him, he follows them silently & turns upas the bartender, or the bus driver... Pain has an elaborate filing system for keeping track of e...
If your favorite politician got ran over by a bus, I’d express my condolences by telling you I know how you feel. Why just the other day I ran over a rat, and I felt so guilty about it that I bought a whole gallon of ice cream, rather than just the...
Her ne kadar Osmanlı devleti 1908 Anayasa’sı (1293 Kanun-u Esâsî) ile köleliği saf dışı kılmış olmakla beraber, bu kurulusun gerçek anlamda ortadan kalkması ve Türk topraklarından silinip atılması Atatürk’ün yarattığı Türk...
Lying in his parents' house, in the middle of the night, she told him the whole story, about meeting Dimitri on a bus, finding his resume in the bin. She confessed that Dimitri had gone with her to Palm Beach. One by one he stored the pieces of infor...
The value of me is equal to 5097033198, but also 3051982. The first is my phone number, and the second is my birthday. I assign values to people. My fifth grade bus driver had a Cheeto factor of four.
- Sakyk, o Žmogėdra, kokio rojaus norėtum? - Mano Dieve, norėčiau rojaus, kuriame būtų daug žmonių, kad galėčiau juos valgyti. - Gyvenai teisingai, taip, kaip mano duota prigimtis liepė tau. Sukursiu tau rojų, o Žmogėdra, kur bus daug ...
Then there was the church and the villagers on the sidewalks, the red geraniums on the graves in the cemetery, Perez fainting (he crumpled over like a rag doll), the blood-red earth spilling over Maman's casket, the white flesh of the roots mixed in ...
He noticed that she threw away the crumbled bus ticket on the street as soon as she got down. He picked it up and put it in his pocket along with his own a memorabilia of their first date together, just like a strand of her hair he would find later o...
Before we even swung onto 516 Nilda was in my brother's lap and he had his hand so far up her skirt it looked like he was performing a surgical procedure. When we were getting off the bus Rafa pulled me aside and held his hand in front of my nose. Sm...
If you eat healthily most of the time you can afford to indulge yourself occasionally, but if you eat nothing but junk, you’ll end up not being able to run for a bus without huffing like a steam train. (The only drawback to being super-fit is that ...
The debate was wearing me out. Once you've posed that question, it won't go away. I think many people kill themselves simply to stop the debate about whether they will or they won't. Anything I thought or did was immediately drawn into the debate. Ma...
Ordell Robbie: I got this young nineteen year old country girl named Sheronda. I found her on a bus stop two days outta Georgia, barefoot, country as a chicken coop. I took her to my place in Compton, told her it was Hollywood. Louis: She believed yo...
State Trooper: [sees Kimble in hospital hallway, disguised as a doctor] Hey, Doc! We're looking for a prisoner from that bus-train wreck a couple of hours ago, might be hurt. Dr. Richard Kimble: Uh, what does he look like? State Trooper: 6'1, 180, br...
Sheba Hart: When you started teaching, didn't you want to give them a real education to help overcome... the poverty of their backgrounds? Barbara Covett: Oh yes, of course. Bu one soon learns that teaching is crowd control. We're a branch of the soc...
[as they all observe the subway station] Ajax: Come on, what kind of chickenshit crap is this. Cochise: Yeah, come on? We're here, what are we waiting for? Fox: The train would help! Unless you wanna go up there and get jacked on an open platform. Co...
Felicia: [in sweet voice] Mummy, maybe a trip to the outback will help me get over this little... phase I'm going through. And you never know, I might meet some lovely country girl. [in tough voice] Felicia: I hereby christen this budget Barbie campe...