I took lessons since I was little; I used to pay for my own singing lessons and take myself. Just take the bus when I was a kid and go. But I'd been writing music for years, since the smallest age.
Kendimizi özgür zannediyoruz oysaki sadece ipimizi biraz uzun bırakmışlar. Sınırlara gelince fark ediliyor bu. Dışarı çıkmak isterken kendini cama vurup duran yarı delirmiş kara sinekler gibiyken. Sadece geceleri, yapayalnız ve yalına...
Fransa'nın en büyük romancılarından birinin kopardığı "Üstelik bu insanlar uyuyabiliyorlar, eşleri ve çocukları var, onları seviyorlar!" çığlığını her okuyuşlarında yürekleri sızlayacak, kendi kendilerinden, kendi türlerinden...
The sun was up - stuck like half a tinned apricot on a sky awash with all the colours of a fading bruise. Down below the living dead were forming their complaining queues at bus stops.
Ey tâlih! Ölümden de beterdir bu karanlık; Ey aşk! O gönüller sana mâl oldular artık; Ey vuslat! O âşıkları efsûnuna râm et! Ey tatlı ve ûlvi gece! Yıllarca devâm et!
There's no right or wrong way to hurt. Everybody does it their own way. It's how we respond to pain that tells the kind of person we are.
She soon called a halt to the work. Judy's great success was that she stopped her helpers before they got tired.
As anyone who's ever taken an Ethiopian bus knows, there is an unwritten rule that the windows must remain firmly closed.
Evet, gün geliyor bıkıyorum senden Ama İstanbul'dan bıkmak gibi bir şey bu, Git, istersen, cüzam kap bir yerlerden, Görmek istersen, nicedir, tutkunluğumu.
Whoa," said Nico as he climbed off the bus. "Is that a climbing wall?" "Yeah," I (Percy) said. "Why is there lava pouring down it?" "Little extra challenge..." - Percy
He got up slowly, not bothering to curse himself for forgetting the stop where he had to disembark. He was not used to leaving things behind; he wondered how the bus stop escaped.
I gave my girlfriend a gallon of my semen and a minivan and told her to fill it up with kids. Big mistake! I should have given her a bus.
[His coat] emitted an odor of bus station so desolate that just standing next to him you could feel your luck changing for the worse.
On the other hand, all kinds of adventurous schemes to add security checkpoints to subway and bus systems have been circulating since the London attacks. This is nonsense. No one can guaranty 100 percent security.
Söylemek istediğim şu ki, medeniyet ihracı fikrine alışamıyorum ben. Çok değil, daha on sekizinci yüzyılla rayına giren endüstriyel dönemin başlangıcına kadar, şehirlerinin sokaklarından açık lağımlar akan ve tuvalet alışkanl...
I think any girl would throw me under a bus to be within five feet of Robert Pattinson. I actually think he's an attractive guy. And I watched most of 'Twilight,' and I think he was really intriguing.
If Willie Nelson had been Rosa Parks, there never would have been a civil rights movement in this country, because he refuses to leave the back of the bus.
I firmly believe that we can protect taxpayer dollars, bus drivers' jobs, and the safety of our students. We just need a mayor who actually cares about all three.
I was in Liverpool city center and I thought I broke one of my toes, just by jumping on buses. I put my arm in the door on the outside, and the bus just drives away with me naked.
Having been in the newspaper business for a long, long time, I often wonder, Why do we actually need to know about something like a bus crash in Bangladesh that has no effect on us at all? That can be nothing other than voyeurism.
A paparazzo once jumped out of a car and started running backward with me. I slowed down out of courtesy because she started drifting into the street. I reached out my hand and moved her back so she didn't get hit by a bus.