One of the fears of having too much work is not having time to observe. And once you get recognised, there is nowhere for you to look any more. You can't sit on a night bus and watch it all happen.
The problem with writing a monthly book is that you're going through your work like a man running for a bus, red-faced and out of breath. There isn't time for reflection or critical self-examination.
I have a little pocket Bible that I have with me all the time in my briefcase, and so usually in the mornings, sometimes on the campaign bus or plane, I always try to catch some time to do that regularly.
Air travel is the safest form of travel aside from walking; even then, the chances of being hit by a public bus at 30,000 feet are remarkably slim. I also have no problem with confined spaces. Or heights. What I am afraid of is speed.
Narrator: [to Tyler, while looking at a Calvin Klein-esque ad on the bus] Is that what a real man is supposed to look like?
[last lines] Dorothy Harris: You understand this is the bus to the school, now, don'tcha? Forrest Gump Jr.: Of course; you're Dorothy Harris, and I'm Forrest Gump.
Girl on Bus: Gummi bear? It's been in my pocket; they're real warm and soft.
Girl on Bus: Do you have monkeys in Scotland? Nicholas Garrigan: No, but if we did we'd probably deep fry them!
[while having sex with a Ugandan girl he met on the bus] Nicholas Garrigan: I'M A MEDICAL OFFICER OVERSEAS!
Sarah Beckett: [to Andrew] Well, I didn't raise my kids to sit in the back of the bus. You get in there and you fight for your rights, okay?
People do more important jobs than acting in film that should be recognised, but for some reason it's big money, so people are elevated in status. If I was a bus driver, I'm sure you wouldn't be interviewing me.
Mrs. Random: What are you doing? David Huxley: [exasperated and wearing Susan's negligee] I'm sitting in the middle of 42nd Street waiting for a bus!
Michael: Oi, dancing boy! [Billy runs to Michael] Dad: We'll miss the bus, Billy! Tony: Will you stop being an old fucking woman?
I want to disabuse people of the idea that knowledge is power. Knowing how to get to Detroit is not the same thing as having the bus fare.
Yeşil kokular saçan nemli bir sessizlikti bu, karanlık bir sessizlikti, çeşitli engebeleri, çeşitli kapıları ve koridorları varmış gibi görünen derin ve meçhul bir sessizlikti ve Ziya o anda bu sessizliğin gelip içine dolduğunu hiss...
Sami and I had exactly one day together in the old world. On Tuesday the jihadists came to our front door and knocked down our buildings. Our new world was hijacked planes, anthrax, and Afghanistan. Then we had snipers inside the Beltway. Then came I...
O rahibeleri bu yüzden sevmiştim. Anlıyordunuz, her seyden önce, onlar hiç bir zaman öyle şatafatlı yerlerde yemek yemezlerdi. Onların hiç bir zaman şatafatlı bir yerde yemeğe gitmediklerini düşününce felaket üzüldüm.
It’s easy to fall in love online with someone you’d slide away from on a bus stop bench. A little too damn easy.
Medeniyet yok oluyor" diye bağırdı Tom öfkeyle, "Ben artık bu konuda karamsarım. Şu Goddard denen adamın yazdığı The Rise of the Coloured Empires adlı kitabı okudun mu?
[...] zoals zij in de bus op weg naar Wierenbeke achter de chauffeur had gezeten met al het verdriet van Belgie in haar ogen.
I remember feeling all right with myself until age 13. Then, I was getting off the bus one day and this guy called me Miss Piggy. That was the first time I ever really felt like I wasn't okay.