Frank Burns: You idiot, I said a cardiac needle! Pvt. Lorenzo Boone: Do you want me to get a nurse? Frank Burns: Too late, Boone, you killed him. [Walks away; Boone starts to cry]
Conklin: You're worried about a budget meeting? If we don't take care of this, we don't make it to the men's room. Is that clear enough for you? We will burn for this. We will both of us burn.
... knowing what not to know was itself indispensable knowledge.
Could it be that desire for a good thing has become a bad thing because that desire has become a ruling thing?
Thought is power, as is desire, but neither is enough unless it is backed by faith, specificity, and the desire to see to it that it becomes.
Cinema is the ultimate pervert art. It doesn't give you what you desire - it tells you how to desire.
The problem for us is not are our desires satisfied or not. The problem is how do we know what we desire.
God is the creator of incredible beauty and all that He envisioned and desired to create, He also desired to share.
But I don't have such a strong desire to need to get away from filmmaking.
It starts with Dreams—Dreams create Desires, Desires create Determination, which leads us to our Destiny.-RVM
Death is not evil, for it frees man from all ills and takes away his desires along with desire's rewards.
The desire for money may be an indication of greed, but I want to argue that greed is a much more subtle vice than simply the desire to be rich.
Truth is best (of all that is) good. As desired, what is being desired is truth for him who (represents) the best truth. (Gathas 27.14)
The first building she reached appeared to be an old barn. Only one young guard stood before its bolted door, staring at her with wide eyes, holding up his sword in defense, She heated his sword and he dropped it, his expression barely changing, as i...
That was magic, sweetest.” The witch flexed her fingers, wriggled them in front of her. “Did she think it a wave of the hands? A slip of the tongue?” A kiss upon her skin. She could see the woman reaching out and taking her in hand, kissing eac...
Chamara. What is the word that comes closest to it? Soo-Ja wondered. To stand it, to bear it, to grit your teeth and not cry out? To hold on, to wait until the worst is over? There is no other word for it, no way to translate it. It is not a word. It...
Hildy Johnson: I suppose I proposed to you? Walter Burns: Well, you practically did, making goo-goo eyes at me for two years until I broke down. [impersonates Hildy, flutters his eyelashes] Walter Burns: "Oh, Walter." And I still claim I was tight th...
Trapper John: Finished work for the day? Frank Burns: Yes. Why? Trapper John: Good. I was hoping you'd have time tonight to sleep this off. [Trapper punches Burns to the floor and injures his hand just as Colonel Blake and Hotlips walk in] Trapper Jo...
Vronsky meanwhile, in spite of the complete fulfilment of what he had so long desired, was not completely happy. He soon felt that the realization of his longing gave him only one grain of the mountain of bliss he had anticipated. That realization sh...
Should the king in exile pretend he is happy there? Should he not seek his own country? His miseries are his ally; they urge him on. Let them grow, if need be. But do not forsake the secret of life; do not despise those kingly desires. We abandon the...
Hunger goes in a straight line, desire turns in circles.