Your Heart's Desire is the Voice of God, and that Voice must be obeyed sooner or later.
Power Through Constructive ThinkingEvery single desire can lead to dream and every single dream has possibility to become reality.
Quote Me EverydayPrayer is the expression of your heart’s sincere desires poured out to God.
The Remarkable Women of the BibleYour world becomes enlivened, more wonderful when achieving your heart’s desires.
Unleash The Power of Your Heart and MindNothing outside of yourself can prevent you from achieving all of your hopes, dreams and desires….
The Waves of Life Quotes and Daily MeditationsAn ancient cornerstone of prayer is that our desire to thank God is itself God's gift. Be grateful.
Why Bother Praying?The desire to avoid short-term hardships leads to major dislocations in [housing] markets.
Why Progressive Institutions Are Unsustainable