Thoughts are the gun, words are the bullets, deeds are the target, the bulls-eye is heaven.
Sometimes I'm kind of spacey. I'm like Ferdinand the bull, sniffing the daisy, not aware of time, of what's going on in the real world.
Tommy Como: [after Janiro fight] He ain't pretty no more.
Jake La Motta: You punch like you take it up the ass.
Pat Wheeler: If I ever saw a man holdin' a bull by the tail, you're it.
When you are a pit bull, and you love what you do and you are going to continue to grow, that talent will find its way out.
I'm William Wallace, and the rest of you will be spared. Go back to England and tell them... Scotland is free!
The white man will never be alone. Let him be just, and deal kindly with my people. For the dead are not powerless.
When dancing with a pit bull, it's always best to let him lead.
If a queen bee were crossed with a Friesian bull, would not the land flow with milk and honey?
The aging of the U.S. population is a theme that we believe strongly in and the health care sector is really right in the bulls eye of this particular theme.
Over and over, we hear politicians say they can't spend our tax dollars on environmental protection when the economy is so fragile.
Why are ecologists and environmentalists so feared and hated? This is because in part what they have to say is new to the general public, and the new is always alarming.
Indeed, bull markets are fueled by successive waves of prior skeptics finally capitulating as their fears fade. Eventually, fear turns to euphoria, and that's the stuff of bubbles.
A pit bull is like a fighter. Every so often it needs to taste blood.
There is only one side of the market and it is not the bull side or the bear side, but the right side.
McMurphy: Who's the head bull-goose loony around here?
Joey LaMotta: If you win, you win. If you lose, you still win.
Jake La Motta: Who's an animal? Your mother's an animal, ya son of a bitch.
I love those hockey moms. You know what they say the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull is? Lipstick.
We made love for 8 seconds. She rode me like a bull.