European museums are all dependent on government financing. The moment European governments are under financial pressure, their budgets are cut.
That was the appealing thing about comics: There literally is no budget in comics. You're only limited by your imagination.
This indication of audience interest is good for all horror movie makers at any budget level.
I guess short films have a bright future... The advantage is budget.
There is no excuse for waste, fraud, and abuse in the Defense Department budget.
The lowest budget U.S. films are ten times times better than shooting in Tibet.
Even when you have a big budget, you can't just shoot everything.
The budget is not just a collection of numbers, but an expression of our values and aspirations.
When I grow older and less popular, there will come a time when I have to shoot films on low budgets.
Even with not having a balanced budget at this time, I support tax cuts. That will help limit spending.
Many women have asked me if it is possible to have a well-built wardrobe on a limited budget. 'Money,' I tell them, 'is no guarantee of taste, and an overstuffed wardrobe is often as bare as a skeleton when it comes to wearable apparel.'
I thought if I was lucky it would be a nice, modest-sized, modest-budgeted film that would be a modest success. And then something happened.
In other words, if you - the cost of promoting movies, the advertising and promotion of a movie, the budget is almost as large as the cost of the movie.
Bloated budgets are ruining Hollywood - these pictures are squeezing all the other types of movies out of Hollywood. It's disastrous.
As long as you keep your budgets small, there's a way of making films.
If we're going to have an unconventional budget, we probably need an unconventional process to get there.
I will work to restore fiscal responsibility to our country's budget and to provide for a more robust economy.
I find shoestrings very hard work. I like big budgets.
An architect is given a program, budget, place, and schedule. Sometimes the end product rises to art - or at least people call it that.
Get out and make films. There are so many cameras now to suit any budget, so there are no excuses.
The big-budget blockbuster is becoming one of the most dependable forms of filmmaking.