I'm the unknown everyone's already sick of.
I want to be an actress, not a personality.
Conversion is a daily thing.
You can escape into a character.
I'm getting out of acting.
We lived and breathed acting.
I visit India a lot.
To be hungry must be awful.
I always wanted to be an astronaut.
If I'm with a man I'm soft and buttery.
I want to be a dog, but I'm a pussycat.
When I'm onstage, I'm acting.
I was a pretty difficult teenager.
I'm shocked at being recognized.
I have no detectable hair style.
The public makes a hit.
I've always been in a rebel.
Actors are crazy or we wouldn't be doing this.
Dozvolićete, ali kada čoveka upucaju, teče krv.
I didn't study; I live.
I try to be honest.