When I first dropped into L.A., I wanted to be a superhero!
Being a celebrity, I don't even have to talk.
I do regard myself as very lucky.
I've never been a much of a glamour girl.
I tend to wear outfits that match the walls.
Sweet things happen. They still do.
You are at the mercies of the dailies. With an indie you don't have that.
I hardly see myself as a futurist.
The kiss always gets a hell of a reaction.
Ultimately in the end, it's the director's choice.
To play a bag woman is brave for any woman.
I've been on shows that go for shock value.
Everyone hits bottom their own way.
People tend to remember my performances, not me.
I've got guns now. It's kind of gross.
As soon as the dirt is hitting the casket, it'll all be forgotten.
Ensemble is hard to do. It's like 3-D chess.
We see a lot of gory deaths on 'Game of Thrones.'
If a part terrifies me, that is definitely a reason to do it.
The other thing that happened in 1883 was my reading of Thoreau's Walden.
Yeah, I've gotten a few letters from prison.