Has made an honest woman of the supernatural.
I'm just a true Irish boy at heart.
I don't want to be lumped into any categories.
My pilot's license. I'm proud of that.
By the power of Steven Wright's Beard!
My father and my mother separated when I was two.
Words are like weapons; they wound sometimes.
People are negative no matter what you do.
For three years, I had embarrassing haircuts.
My soul is still Irish.
My only expenses are probably guitar strings and records.
I have been acting since I was thirteen.
I have to think as Bugs Bunny, not of Bugs Bunny.
I didn't think of 'Thelma and Louise' as a feminist movie.
I used to hate the sound of my voice.
I like actors - I used to be one.
It's fun being creative and that's satisfying.
La dictature c'est "Ferme ta gueule !", la démocratie c'est "Cause toujours !
A guerra é boa talvez no sentido de chamar a atenção para certos problemas.
Rufus? He's a grand kisser, and he's dead sexy.
Every tub must stand upon its bottom.