You see, women have been essential to every great move of God. Yes, Moses led the Isaelites out of Egypt, but only after his mother risked her life to save him! Closer to our time, Clara Barton was instrumental in starting the Red Cross. Harriet Beec...
My Heart is Bounding! I can fly anywhere as long as I'm with the Nakama I Love!!!" ~Leevy
{Work what your heart wishes}
The portal into people's hearts is being interested in them.
Stick with your heart and you'll be fine.
I'm a character actor at heart.
Theater feeds my heart and soul.
My heart is as pure as the driven slush.
I'm an old fashioned theater major at heart.
Film has always been where my heart is.
Nothingness lies in the heart of everything.
Nothing is the key to the heart of everything.
Nothing' lies in the heart of the universe.
Where your heart is, there is your love.
I am at heart a gentleman.
I say to everybody, 'Adoption is not for the faint of heart.'
Bravery is the stupidity of heart.
It's indifference that breaks hearts, not love.
The way to my heart is by being truthful and spontaneous.
Communications is at the heart of e-commerce and community.
Exercise should be regarded as tribute to the heart.