A broken heart is what makes life so wonderful five years later, when you see the guy in an elevator and he is fat and smoking a cigar and saying long-time-no-see.
Ten years ago, Republicans decided it was time to reform our broken welfare system and give welfare recipients the tools they needed to escape the system and build a better life.
It's impossible to walk a block in Miami, in Los Angeles, San Antonio without running into someone who is being deeply impacted by a broken legal immigration system.
Class action lawsuits are an important part of our legal system. All citizens should have the right to band together and settle grievances with bigger companies, but that system is broken and it needs fixing.
He prayed as he breathed, forming no words and making no specific requests, only holding his heart, like broken birds in cupped hands,
In its purest form, a union becomes part of our very essence. And when that bond is broken, our essence is forever changed.
I try to write a certain amount each day, five days a week. A rule sometimes broken is better than no rule.
when men tarry in the place of prayer with broken hearts and wounded souls thirsty to reach out then revival is at the door post
The only thing that preoccupies me is that France has broken down, and we need to start up the engine again - all the way. But not so as to run into a wall.
"She was not a little girl heart-broken about him; she was a grown woman smiling at it all, but they were wet smiles.
Time seems so inconceivably vast, until it crushes, pressing you paper-thin between one broken-heartbeat passed, and the laughter yet to come.
We are all wonderful, beautiful wrecks. That's what connects us--that we're all broken, all beautifully imperfect.
I've always been multi-cultural myself. I'm not black and I'm not white and I'm not pink and I'm not green. Eartha Kitt has no color, and that is how barriers are broken.
Cottage cheese, broken down into its simplest form, is milk that has been curdled to mimic the cellulite its consumption is meant to banish.
My heart was broken when I realized my daughter had a problem. I pray every day for her.
I'm a very law-abiding citizen, and I've never consciously broken any law. I get nervous just jaywalking in Los Angeles!
I don't do it for Michael. I do it for them." "Them?" "People." "They're broken! Flawed!" "Yes, but some of them try to do better. Try to forgive.
For a fortnight nobody at all emailed me, or posted a follow-up. Doesn't anyone care, I thought? It turned out my newsreader was broken, and hadn't posted at all.
A word of kindness is seldom spoken in vain, while witty sayings are as easily lost as the pearls slipping from a broken string.
You are not broken. You are not a problem to be solved. Solving your “problem”, whatever you perceive your problem or problems to be, is not the key to happiness.
A ... and so it is... Beauty fades away but while you have it, use it well, wear it well. It is a treasure to be spent quickly before the magic spell is broken...