We've broken the code base into logical chunks, called modules, and the foundation staff delegate authority for the modules to people with the most expertise.
It is any day better to stand erect with a broken and bandaged head then to crawl on one's belly, in order to be able to save one's head.
I know of people who don't believe it, but depression is an illness, but unlike, say, a broken leg, you don't know when it'll get better.
When I started the 'Broken Empire' trilogy, I thought it was a short story, and I didn't know the beginning, middle, or end of even that.
Over the years, I've made many sacrifices to win two Olympic gold medals and put together winning streaks that will never be broken.
A statue stands in a shaded place An angel girl with an upturned face A name is written on a polished rock A broken heart that the world forgot
Sensitive people usually love deeply and hate deeply. They don't know any other way to live than by extremes because thier emotional theromastat is broken.
You can't be creative without criticism. If your life is without critics then maybe you are painting your life's masterpiece with only a broken brown crayon.
You can be broken into a dozen shattered pieces and still heal the world because service has its own medicine--hope.
People change for two main reasons: either their minds have been opened or their hearts have been broken
The Beatles were no trouble... lots of girls. The Stones were black-jacketed guys, a rough crowd. A whole different scene between the Stones' black leather jackets and the Beatles' pretty-dressed girls with the ribbons in their hair, teenagers standi...
Truth may be stretched, but cannot be broken, and always gets above falsehood, as does oil above water." ~ Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra ~
I've spent nearly thirty years listening to people sing about broken hearts, has it helped me any? Has it fuck.
I am surely a creature. For what human has two hearts? But I have two hearts— one is always broken; the other is always whole.
The heart will find solace after a lost love, but once the soul is betrayed and broken it will always bleed and the wounds will never really heal,,,,
If what he said was the truth, it broke her heart. If what he said was a lie, it was broken anyway.
Life experience is what defines our character, even if it means getting your heart broken or being lied to. You know, you need the downs to appreciate the ups. Going on the adventure or taking that risk is important.
The failure of the White House and Congress to seriously address the nation's fiscal situation is certain to broaden the belief among many voters that the U.S. political system is broken.
I willingly devoted myself to my children and to my husband. I come from a broken home, and I decided a long time ago that I would put my family ahead of everything.
Earmarks have become a symbol of a Congress that has broken faith with the people. This earmark ban shows the American people we are listening and we are dead serious about ending business as usual in Washington.
Nothing is so galling to a people not broken in from the birth as a paternal, or, in other words, a meddling government, a government which tells them what to read, and say, and eat, and drink and wear.