I drink blood, you eat tacos, get the f*ck over it!" -Michel Glass
I could feel the tears brimming and sloshing in me like water in a glass that is unsteady and too full.
I guess I kind of lived in a fairytale world... looking at everything through rose-colored glasses. I probably always will, to a certain extent.
Even when I'm sitting up in this glass castle, I still got my street soldiers telling me what's happening.
I went to Floridita on Wardour Street when I was 18. All I could afford was pumpkin soup and a glass of champagne, but it was worth it.
I would just like to say that opera is no longer about fat people in breastplates shattering wine glasses.
He who looks in the crystal ball ends up eating glass... They're way, way close.
The small wisdom is like water in a glass: clear, transparent, pure. The great wisdom is like the water in the sea: dark, mysterious, impenetrable.
You've never seen death? Look in the mirror every day and you will see it like bees working in a glass hive.
Comfort rules. You want to be able to sit in a good chair comfortably for a few hours and be able to talk and enjoy a glass of wine. There's nothing worse than sitting in an uncomfortable chair.
Life is a glass of wine and having your feet washed - it's a biblical event, might I add. This is part of mankind's story. You are always looking for a moment to take a break.
It doesn't bother me to talk about my private life, it doesn't bother me to talk about anything. My life is like a glass of water, transparent.
If you wish to avoid seeing a fool you must first break your looking glass.
He swung around. His body, bathed in the first rays of the sun, was stippled with color like a stained glass saint.
After getting glasses and contacts it was kind of a wow moment that I could definitely see better and on the soccer field it really helped me.
People imagine I am always in a Bentley with pearls and diamonds and black glasses and Karl Lagerfeld next to me.
But it is precisely at those moments when the glass seems to be ‘set fair’ that Fate invariably decides to take a hand.
,m./But it is precisely at those moments when the glass seems to be ‘set fair’ that Fate invariably decides to take a hand.
The theater remains relevant because of 3D. It makes it an event. You go there, 400 people put on their glasses, and it's just fun.
To talk about adults without talking about their sex drives is like talking about a window without glass.
I used to have really bad skin, and when I was younger, I had a lazy eye. I had to wear a patch and pink-rimmed glasses.