The British keep employing me, and that makes me like them. It also makes me think they're very intelligent.
I guess my guilty pleasure would be listening to the British audio versions of the 'Harry Potter' books.
Ricky Gervais would have you believe otherwise, but Sacha Baron Cohen is the most successful British comedian in the world.
I would not say that I was, these days, a 'student' of philosophy, although in my youth I was quite deeply involved with certain aspects of the British pragmatists.
I believe in American exceptionalism, just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism.
If I'm researching something strange and rococo, I'll go to the London Library or the British Library and look it up in books.
In America, you're just an American. You're accepted. It doesn't matter that you're of whatever race. If anything, I'm British, and that's it. So let's just get on with it, really.
I think the British have the distinction above all other nations of being able to put new wine into old bottles without bursting them.
'Blind Date' was based on an Australian show called 'Perfect Match', which I first saw when I was on tour there. And I couldn't understand why it wasn't on British T.V.
I was an opponent of Saddam Hussein when the British and American governments and businessmen were selling him guns and gas.
I'm still a member of the Empire! Although I sometimes feel like an American with a British accent - you get contaminated after so long.
I started looking at fashion magazines, specifically 'British Vogue.' I was reading a lot about Cecil Beaton. Then I thought maybe I should start collecting.
work was so great that it cannot be compassed in a few words. death is one of the greatest losses ever to occur to British science. { .}
I loved the MC5 and the Stooges, but also, the British Invasion - the Kinks and the Yardbirds - and then Led Zeppelin, of course. Alice Cooper was one of my favorite bands.
London has fine museums, the British Library is one of the greatest library institutions in the world... It's got everything you want, really.
I am not a British isolationist. I don't just want a better deal for Britain. I want a better deal for Europe too.
The guitar influence that affected my songwriting came from the New Wave of British Heavy Metal.
I'm so patriotic, I think every British kid should have a chance to grow up to be our head of state.
The US head of state grew up on food stamps. The British head of state grew up on the postage stamps.
No, men and women of the Irish race, we shall not fight for England. We shall fight for the destruction of the British Empire and the construction of an Irish republic.
My first job was a film called 'Storm Damage' for the BBC. I was 16 and working with really respected British actors. I didn't have an agent at the time, and it kind of threw me into real acting.