German officer: [on the Battle of Kasserine Pass] The Americans were under the command of British General Anderson. [smiles broadly] German officer: American soldiers and British generals - the worst of both worlds! Field Marshal Erwin Rommel: [curtl...
In the decades following the Revolution, America changed so much and so rapidly that Americans not only became used to change, but came to expected and prize it.
Americans became so thoroughly democratic that much of the period's political activity, beginning with the Constitution, was diverted to finding means and devices to tame that democracy.
Virtue became less the harsh and martial self-sacrifice of antiquity and more the modern willingness to get along with others for the sake of peace and prosperity.
With ancient history writers most immediately in view, the author indicates "tendency to look to the virtues and vices of individuals when seeking causes.
I have done many impious things--no great ruler can do otherwise. I have put the good of the Empire before all human considerations. To keep the Empire free from factions I have had to commit many crimes.
It made the woman feel like a thousand seas had come together from all worlds, like faraway lands had been bridged together, and the vastness of the known and the unknown were somehow easier to comprehend.
So we make this big loan, most of it comes back to the United States, the country is left with the debt plus lots of interest, and they basically become our servants, our slaves. It's an empire. There's no two ways about it. It's a huge empire. It's ...
[as Luke leaves before completing his training] Yoda: Told you I did. Reckless is he. Now, matters are worse. Obi-Wan: That boy is our last hope. Yoda: No. There is another.
[Han has decided to go searching for Luke] Echo Base Officer: Your Tauntaun will freeze before you reach the first marker! Han Solo: Then I'll see you in Hell!
[Luke's ship sinks into the mud] Luke: We'll never get it out now! Yoda: So certain are you. Always with you what cannot be done. Hear you nothing that I say?
C-3PO: Don't worry about Master Luke. I'm sure he'll be all right. He's quite clever, you know... for a human being.
Darth Vader: There will be a substantial reward for the one who finds the Millennium Falcon. You are free to use any methods necessary, but I want them alive. No disintegrations. Boba Fett: As you wish.
Darth Vader: Luke, you can destroy the Emperor. He has foreseen this. It is your destiny. Join me, and together we can rule the galaxy as father and son.
[in the Asteroid Field] Princess Leia: We're going to get pulverized if we stay out here much longer. Han Solo: I'm not going to argue with that. C-3PO: Pulverized?
[last lines] Lando: Princess, we'll find Han. I promise. Luke: Chewie, I'll be waiting for your signal. Take care, you two. May the force be with you.
Darth Vader: There will be a substantial reward for the one who finds the Millenium Falcon. You are free to use any methods necessary but I want them alive - no disintegrations! Boba Fett: As you wish.
Leia: I thought you knew this person. Chewbacca: [Chewie barks something to Han] Han Solo: Well, that was a long time ago, I'm sure he's forgotten about that.
[Han heads out of the Asteroids toward a Star Destroyer] C-3PO: The odds of successfully surviving an attack on an Imperial Star Destroyer are approximately... Leia: Shut up!
Darth Vader: You may take Captain Solo to Jabba the Hutt after I have Skywalker. Boba Fett: He's no good to me dead. Darth Vader: He will not be permanently damaged.
With most British actors, it's amazing. I think they start with the character on the outside and work in.