The British press has been unfair to me and the public has followed.
I know the British people and they are not passengers - they are drivers.
I know too much about British politics to comment on British politics.
However British you may be, I am more British still.
Sometimes the British press is maybe a little bit racist.
The British press are a group of unremitting scumbags. And sometimes they use that scumbaggery to good ends, and often not.
My unbeaten record and the 10 British Open wins have not been equalled.
I don't enjoy British shows as a rule because British audiences are strange.
If people don't like Marxism, they should blame the British Museum.
There are no countries in the world less known by the British than those selfsame British Islands.
The British soldier can stand up to anything except the British War Office.
[Barry has just been arrested by the Prussians for impersonating a British officer] Redmond Barry: I'm under arrest? Captain Potzdorf, sir! I'm a British officer. Captain Potzdorf: You are a liar! You are an impostor. You are a deserter. I suspected ...
The problem with being British... I don't know if it's me being British or being raised a strict Catholic, but you never really enjoy success.
I find British men very gentlemanly... like opening doors. There is a certain chivalry about British men which I like, and I'm a sucker for an accent.
I believe that a large part of the training in the regional theaters is in imitation of the British style of acting. The British orientation is textual; they start from the language and work toward the character.
If the colonists hadn't rejected British militarism and the massive financial burden of maintaining the British military, America wouldn't exist.
I do consider myself British. I have very strong feelings about my British heritage.
No British politician has ever been more despised by the British people than Margaret Thatcher.
Were you to read the British press today, you would learn that the British Empire never forgets its defeats.
I think the British people have a strong sense of what is fair.
It turns out that understanding the British public is not rocket science. The British appreciate honesty and they also have a bonkers, off-the-wall sense of humour like me.