If we will maintain our hope and confidence in the genius of our people, they will work out this problem, and their ability and industry will bring us back to normal conditions.
If you want to become a fossil, you need to die somewhere where your bones will be rapidly buried. You then hope that the Earth moves in such a way as to bring the bones back up to the surface.
I can only point out a curious fact. Year after year the Nobel Awards bring a moment of happiness not only to the recipients, not only to colleagues and friends of the recipients, but even to strangers.
If virtue promises happiness, prosperity and peace, then progress in virtue is progress in each of these for to whatever point the perfection of anything brings us, progress is always an approach toward it.
There is no value in life except what you choose to place upon it and no happiness in any place except what you bring to it yourself.
I always looked for a man to rescue me and bring me happiness. I bought into that myth, of course, and looked for my own Prince Charming.
In history as in human life, regret does not bring back a lost moment and a thousand years will not recover something lost in a single hour.
We want to bring better products to Vietnam. My hope is through changes in lifestyle and the products we consume, it will affect the people and change the way they are thinking.
Countries such as the U.S. and Britain have taken it upon themselves to decide for us in the developing world, even to interfere in our domestic affairs and to bring about what they call regime change.
Computers can bully us. A slow and unreliable system will bring even the toughest soul to their knees as they find themselves completely defenseless against the erratic whims of their rogue machine.
O Death, rock me asleep, bring me to quiet rest, let pass my weary guiltless ghost out of my careful breast.
Terri's death brings to a close a very tragic, human and personal event that has left everyone with a feeling of emptiness, regardless of what side of the issue you may have been on.
Parenthood, like death, is an event for which it is nearly impossible to be prepared. It brings you into a new relationship with the fact of your own existence, a relationship in which one may be rendered helpless.
Lonesome. Lonesome. I know what it means. Here all by my lonesome, dreaming empty dreams. Weary. Weary at the close of day, wondering if tomorrow brings me joy or sorrow.
Mitt Romney will stop the attacks on job creators, encourage entrepreneurs to chase their dreams, and bring good jobs and a better future to all Americans.
Liberals, conservatives, Muslims, Jews, Christians, and I find - I think education is something that can bring us together.
I've got a very deep and abiding passion about education being far more than buildings and textbooks; it's what children bring into school with them.
A fundamentalist can't bring himself or herself to negotiate with people who disagree with them because the negotiating process itself is an indication of implied equality.
I don't doubt that God can bring good out of tragedies, but the Bible is clear that God is not the author of evil!
My dream is to live a good life and be loving, be close to God and be a good human being and bring peace to people.
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