Tonight at 8:00. My bed. Bring a friend, and I’ll show you how to make a Snuggle Sandwich.
Sleepwalking is resterciseLet’s make Kool-Aid together. I’ll bring the Kool-Aid and the sugar, if you water down the sex.
Sleepwalking is resterciseSurely the Gods did not bring me safe through fire and sea only to kill me with a flux.
A Storm of SwordsWhat must you break apart in order to bring a family close together? Bread, of course.
The StorytellerFoolish people inflict pain upon them self which is worse than what an enemy can bring upon.
ThirukkuralSometimes the thing that brings us together also pulls us apart. Sort of like a zipper.
This Book Title is InvisibleEach day has the potential of being your best day. You decide what each day will bring.
Positive: A MemoirJust bring your wits. Sometimes that's the most effective weapon any of us has.
Thrice Upon a Marigold