You’re disoriented. You just woke up. You’re in the future. You’ve been asleep for eight hours.
$3.33Why ever long for something from the past when the future brings things that are so much better?
The Alchemy of ForeverThe future goal is the thing which produces character in the present.
After You Believe: Why Christian Character MattersA man cannot fully embrace his future…until he first releases his past
Apostles, Elders & Other MinistriesOur future experiences will be colored by the choices we make in the present.
Against the Stream: A Buddhist Manual for Spiritual RevolutionariesYou cannot see the past that did not happen any more than you can foresee the future.
The Arm of the StarfishThe future was with Fate. The present was our own. ~ The Poison Belt
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: 12 TitlesShe (his future wife) was so deep into the Lord's presence that I felt like an outsider.
I Still BelieveYou change the future by taking control of the present. Know how to use your minutes and hours.
The Reason