Damn the wars but bless the soldier.
Summer grasses, All that remains Of soldiers' dreams
Everything starts and finishes with the soldier.
My theme song is 'One Tin Soldier' by Coven.
When goods do not cross borders, soldiers will.
It takes a spiritual soldier to maintain salvation.
Angels are warriors of God. I'm a soldier.
I don't think I'd ever get typecast as a soldier.
They did what soldiers always do. They improvised.
Soldier: Cease fire! Cease fire!
I don't think any war is worth having our soldiers killed.
No one hates war like a soldier hates war.
Thats the spirit-one part brave,three parts fool.
Freedom to be a round peg in a square hole.
No social stability without individual stability.
Luck often comes to those who are brave.
It isn't brave to do something you're not afraid to do.
It is always brave to say what everyone thinks.
No one is so brave that he is not disturbed by something unexpected.
Be true to your authenticity and innovate with brave ammunition.
The future doesn't belong to the light-hearted. It belongs to the brave.