When the time comes for your brain to process the information, the second word comes up faster than the first one. So when it's in your head, all of a sudden, it comes out backwards and you think of the word backwards.
Sometimes the fans want it both ways, of course. They want to feel like they're influencing the show, and at the same time, they want to think that showrunners have the story all mapped out in our brains. But it can't be both. In truth, we were usual...
When I'm directing, I noticed I'm not using my subconscious at all. I'm literally using the whole front part of my brain all the time. When you walk on the set, every moment you have to be there because something's going on that requires attention.
It's only because I feel like such a philistine spending all that time in hair and makeup that I started to knit. I used to spend that time studying Italian and French. Then after I had two kids, my brain turned to mush and I took up knitting.
I have always heard that you need to give yourself a long time to unplug when you do a sabbatical. I unplugged so fast I was a little concerned that I was losing brain capacity.
On overnight flights, I have trained myself to get to sleep almost instantly after takeoff. I always listen to the same audiobook on my iPod so my brain knows, regardless of time zone, that that voice means it's time for bed.
It's the first time an exoskeleton has been controlled by brain activity and offered feedback to the patients. Doing a demonstration in a stadium is something very much outside our routine in robotics. It's never been done before.
Space and time, not proteins and neurons, hold the answer to the problem of consciousness. When we consider the nerve impulses entering the brain, we realize that they are not woven together automatically, any more than the information is inside a co...
I don't project no image. I just act like myself. I write about how I feel, the emotional stage I'm in at the time. So I write from the heart. I never write from my mind. My brain, I mean.
[to Deputy Harvey Pell] Joe: I knew you had guts but I never figured you for brains. It takes a pretty smart man to know when to back away.
Cobb: They say we only use a fraction of our brain's true potential. Now that's when we're awake. When we're asleep, we can do almost anything.
Lionel Logue: Oh, surely a prince's brain knows what its mouth's doing? King George VI: You're not... well acquainted with royal princes, are you?
Vernon: You know how they say we can only access 20% of our brain? [Vernon points out the NZT pill on the table] Vernon: This lets you access all of it.
Max Rockatansky: Here they come again... worming their way into the black matter of my brain. I tell myself, they cannot touch me. They are long dead.
Pappy O'Daniel: Furthermore, in the second Pappy O'Daniel administration, these boys is gonna be my *brain* trust. Delmar O'Donnell: What's that mean, Everett?
Will Rodman: [from trailer] Caesar shows cognitive skills that far exceed that of a human counterpart. The drug in his system has radicly boosted healthy brain functions.
Apollo Creed: Stay in school and use your brain. Be a doctor, be a lawyer, carry a leather briefcase. Forget about sports as a profession. Sports make ya grunt and smell. See, be a thinker, not a stinker.
John Hartigan: When it comes to reassuring a traumatized 19-year-old, I'm about as expert as a palsy victim doing brain surgery with a pipe wrench.
Princess Leia Organa: This is some rescue! You came in here, but didn't you have a plan for getting out? Han Solo: [indicating Luke] He's the brains, sweetheart!
Travis Bickle: The idea had been growing in my brain for some time: TRUE force. All the king's men cannot put it back together again.
BR: The rest of you people go slam your fuckin' brains against your desks until something useful comes out!