Tobacco Lawyer: Dr. Wigand, I am instructing you not to answer that question in accordance to the terms of the contractual obligations undertaken by you not to disclose any information about your work at the Brown and Williamson tobacco company, and ...
Mr. Merriweather: You're improving Jack, you just can't seem to get rid of that streak of honesty in you. The one that ruined you was that damned Indian, Old Tepee. Jack Crabb: You mean Old Lodge Skins. Mr. Merriweather: He gave you a vision of moral...
Older Joe: How's your French coming? Joe: Good. You gonna tell me I ought to be learning Mandarin? Older Joe: I never regretted learning French. [in French] Older Joe: I know you have a gun between your legs. [in English] Older Joe: No? Well, you'll ...
[following Gollum down the path] Sam: I wonder if we'll ever be put into songs or tales. Frodo: [turns around] What? Sam: I wonder if people will ever say, 'Let's hear about Frodo and the Ring.' And they'll say 'Yes, that's one of my favorite stories...
Henry J. Waternoose: James, this company has been in my family for three generations. I would do anything to keep it from going under. Sulley: So would I, sir. Henry J. Waternoose: Say, I could use your help with something. Sulley: Anything, sir. Hen...
[speaking to Billy Fish in Kafiri] Billy Fish: Ootah say take your pick. He have twenty three daughters. Danny: Those are his daughters? Why the dirty old beggar! Peachy Carnehan: Now, now Danny. Different countries, different ways. He's only being h...
Mike Ramsey: This is ridiculous. Mike Eruzione: Don't worry about it, Rammer. It'll be all right. Right OC? Jack O'Callahan: Herb's not gonna do a damn thing boys. He's just messing with our minds. Jim Craig: Oh, you think so, Jack? Jack O'Callahan: ...
Village Boy 2: We're ashamed to live here. Our fathers are cowards. O'Reilly: Don't you ever say that again about your fathers, because they are not cowards. You think I am brave because I carry a gun; well, your fathers are much braver because they ...
Vinny Gambini: Sheriff Farley, uh... what'd you find out? Sheriff Dean Farley: On a hunch, I took it upon myself to check out if there was any information on a '63 Pontiac Tempest stolen or abandoned recently. This computer readout confirms that two ...
Jiminy Cricket: All right, then, here's what we'll tell 'em. You can't go to the theater. Say thank you just the same - you're sorry, but you've got to go to school. Pinocchio: Mmm-hmm. Foulfellow: Pinocchio! Oh, Pinocchio! Woo-hoo! Jiminy Cricket: H...
Skinner: [on Linguini] Look at him out there, pretending to be an idiot! He's toying with my mind like a cat with a ball... of something! Lawyer: String? Skinner: Yes! Playing dumb, taunting me with that RAT! Lawyer: [confused] Rat? Skinner: Yes! He'...
Larousse: Hey, boss, look who it is! Alfredo Linguini! Renata's little boy! All grown up, eh? You remember Renata. Gusteau's old flame? Skinner: Ah, yes. How are you, uh... Larousse: Linguini. Skinner: Yes, Linguini, so nice of you to visit. How is, ...
Yoda: Why wish you become Jedi? Luke: Well, mostly because of my father, I guess. Yoda: Ahh... father. Powerful Jedi was he. Powerful Jedi. Luke: [suspcious] Oh, come on! How can you know my father? You don't even know who I am. Oh, I don't even know...
C-3PO: At last, Master Luke's come to rescue me! Bib Fortuna: Master. [Jabba wakes up with a start] Bib Fortuna: May I present Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight? Jabba the Hutt: I told you not to admit him! Luke: I must be allowed to speak. Bib Fortuna: He...
Dr. Josiah Boone: Seems to me I knew your family, Henry. Didn't I fix your arm once when you, oh, bumped off a horse? Ringo Kid: Are you Doc Boone? Dr. Josiah Boone: I certainly am. Ah, let's see... I'd just been honorably discharged from the Union A...
Alonzo Harris: You hear that, homey? You wanna go to jail or you wanna go home? Huh? Crackhead #1: What you think? Alonzo Harris: They got room for you at the booty house, you ever been to the booty house. Big boys have you grab you ankles... Crackhe...
Paul: Alonzo, there's two shots left in that other stinger. We need to just kill your boy right now and say Roger got him coming through the door. Alonzo: We ain't killing nobody. This guy's got the magic eye. I can feel it. Just had a little freak-o...
Private Ash: I would have had you Witt if you were a Jap, long ago. Private Witt: They leave you here? Private Ash: Yeah, I was holding them up. Private Witt: You got one good huh? Private Ash: Right in the knee. Yeah, I'm out of this war for good Wi...
Flynn Rider: [Upon being chased by the Palace Guards, Flynn and the Stabbington Brothers reach a dead end. They are facing a cliff] All right, okay, give me a boost, and I'll pull you up. Stabbington Brother: [the Stabbington Brothers look at each ot...
Juror #8: Look, there was one alleged eye witness to this killing. Someone else claims he heard the killing, saw the boy run out afterwards and there was a lot of circumstantial evidence. But, actually, those two witnesses were the entire case for th...
you make me laugh, with your metaphysical anguish, its just that you're scared silly, frightened of life, of men of action, of action itself, of lack of order. But everything is disorder, dear boy. Vegetable, mineral and animal, all disorder, and so ...