I like everything. Boyish girls, girlish boys, the heavy and the skinny. Which is a problem when I'm walking down the street.
I went to a boys' school, and I didn't realize that most guys join bands because they wanted to get girls. I was not really focused on that the way everybody else was.
Every year I teach dozens of students at the University of Birmingham. Most of the students on the gender and sexuality courses are women. I guess this is because the boys don't think that gender applies to them: that it's a subject for girls.
Young women, adolescent girls, are more subject to infection, sometimes at a rate of six times that of boys. That tells you a lot about the vulnerability of women.
People always blame the girl; she should have said no. A monosyllable, but conventional wisdom has always been that boys can't manage it.
Have you kissed many boys before?" he asked quietly. His question brought my mind back into focus. I raised an eyebrow. "Boys? That's an assumption." Noah laughed, the sound low and husky. "Girls, then?" "No." "Not many girls? Or not many boys?" "Nei...
Sydney Chaplin: [Charlie is playing the violin] Alright Sonny boy, tell your poor little brother today's problem. Charlie Chaplin: Same as the day before, and the day before that and the day before that. Sydney Chaplin: And the day before that, and t...
It was the first time I discovered that some girls actually sneak out of the house during slumber parties and meet up with boys. I would’ve never known if I hadn’t gone to the bathroom at midnight and caught Macy and Adrienne climbing through the...
Women need to remember that if nature has made them plain, grace can make them beautiful, and if nature has made them beautiful, good deeds can add to their beauty. Grace will make you beautiful and will attract truly godly men to you. Make godliness...
Indeed, girls can be so in need of social approval that they confuse harassment for acceptance--thinking that any attention is better than none. Since many girls as well as boys buy the idea that sexual aggression and exploitation is normal masculine...
It is offensive that so many people feel that it is okay to publicly refer to transsexuals as being “pre-op” or “post-op” when it would so clearly be degrading and demeaning to regularly describe all boys and men as being either “circumcise...
Cassie spoke up, "He is like Peter Pan and the Lost Boys." ... Tameron said "No one is lost here. And we have just as many girls, well, maybe not as many as we have boys, but a fair amount. Who is this Peter Pan you speak of? A hero?" he asked Cassie...
The two of them on top of the freezing slide, wordlessly holding hands. Once again they were a ten-year-old boy and girl. A lonely boy, and a lonely girl. A classroom, just after school let out, at the beginning of winter. They had neither the power ...
Thanks to Scoop, I've learned a lot about how the male mind works, and as a result I've been having nightmares for months.
I'm not trouble at all. I'm just a guy trying to get a girl to give him the time of day. I'm like every song on the radio.
There's nothing to be gained, and much to be lost, in trying to bend every child to match a one-size-fits-all notion of what it means to be a boy or girl of a specific age. Better to set a few parameters and then go with the flow. Call it 'jazz paren...
There's something ugly about a pretty boy who knows he's pretty and assumes everyone else know it too.
My life is like an O Henry story....the funniest girl in the world and the boy who never laughs.
Once upon a time there was a boy who loved a girl, and her laughter was a question he wanted to spend his whole life answering.
Somebody's been feeding the boy fables. Probably the king's niece. Humph. Nice girl. Too many romantic notions, though.
I don't remember having a crush on a boy when I was a girl. I don't even remember my first kiss.