What a surprise. That boy doesn't have the sense God gave a cactus.
There's no use fussing on a boy who doesn't have any ability.
Any stigma will do to beat a dogma.
I was a halfway-decent-looking English boy who looked nice in a drawing-room standing by a piano.
The Scoutmaster teaches boys to play the game by doing so himself.
The spirit is there in every boy; it has to be discovered and brought to light.
Congress becomes the public voice of opposition.
Presidents need to be critically studied and analyzed.
The institution of the presidency was profoundly affected by Watergate.
From being a waiter, to a door-to-door salesman, to a car-washer, to a delivery boy - I have done it all.
I looked at Mick Jagger and Keith Richards and the boys up there thinking, I want to be that.
Something fundamental about the myth of the Jew has resurfaced.
Aleksar Greene was a boy I used to play with, he was my imaginary friend.
Mozart was a punk, which people seem to forget. He was a naughty, naughty boy.
Composers should write tunes that chauffeurs and errand boys can whistle.
One that would have the fruit must climb the tree.
A fool's paradise is a wise man's hell!
Vows made in storms are forgotten in calm.
Better a tooth out than always aching.
Slight small injuries, and they will become none at all.
We are born crying, live complaining, and die disappointed.