Did we not look out together upon the dark waters of the lake And behold there the constellations Of both hemispheres at once? -Love Songs of the Cinnamon Wastes
Mother, you can still hold hold on but forgive, forgive and give for long as long as we both shall live, I forgive you, Mother.
Both men had made her feel as if she were the one who was at fault, a typically masculine reaction to a woman who was able to act independently of them.
Both the two of us knew it. We watched the lie go up big and slow between us, then it burst like a spit bubble. They always burst before too long.
Look at the orators in our republics; as long as they are poor, both state and people can only praise their uprightness; but once they are fattened on the public funds, they conceive a hatred for justice, plan intrigues against the people and attack ...
Pray that your marriage is one in which you both agree & that God will be in the center of it
Completing the circle is both philosophical and tactical - there is a growing sense of mastery that comes with practice, diligence, and experience.
Some people think destiny is something you cannot escape, such as death or a curdled cheesecake, both of which always turn up sooner or later.
It is in reference to Pope Julius that Machiavelli moralizes on the resemblance between Fortune and women, and concludes that it is the bold rather than the cautious man that will win and hold them both.
I mean, we're ninjas." "Well maybe a ninja," I said "You're just a really loud, awkward ninja," Margo said, "but we are both ninjas.
So each one of you agrees to disagree with whatever the other one agrees with, but if you both disagree with the same thing, aren't you really in agreement?
There is no formula to relationships. They have to be negotiated in loving ways, with room for both parties, what they want and what they need, what they can do and what their life is like.
Both of the items were used in an attempted murder, but hers was a dagger, and mine was a baby’s rubber bottle nipple. That was the last time I took a stab at love.
I make love like a backseat, not on a backseat. I’m both in motion, yet stationary. I would encourage you to encourage your mom to buckle up.
How many birthdays can you fit in a shoebox? I guess that depends both on how old you are, and what size shoe you wear.
If I took a candy bar, ripped off the wrapper, ate the candy bar, and pinned the wrapper to the wall, is that art, performance art, both, or neither?
We agreed to meet at 4. I meant AM and she meant PM, so we both just stood around thinking we’d been stood up.
Based on the questions we both answered, we’re a 0% love match. That means we’re 100% compatible, once I enlighten her to the correct perspective on life.
My drug of choice is love. Sure, I’ve tried other drugs, but no other drug gets both the dealer and user high from every transaction.
Islam deals not only with what man must and must not do, but also with what he needs to know. In other words, Islam is both a way of acting and doing things and a way of knowing.
When the gain is greater than the pain, I’ll be there, telling you how we can both profit from your productivity. That’s what love is about.