I always wanted to be ambidextrous, ever since I was a little girl. I wanted to be able to use both hands, and I still use my left hand a lot.
Two golden hours somewhere between sunrise and sunset. Both are set with 60 diamond minutes. No reward is offered. They are gone forever.
The sky both exists and doesn’t exist. It has substance and at the same time doesn’t. And we merely accept that vast expanse and drink it in.
My boyfriend and I live together, which means we don't have sex - ever. Now that the milk is free, we've both become lactose intolerant.
The original 'Artist's Way' focused on the nurturing of the self. The 'Artist's Way for Parents' focuses both on nurturing the self and nurturing the children in our care.
I'm particularly happy that the Ronald Reagan Building is both public and private, and embraces his lifelong belief... in free and open trade.
I read very widely, both non-fiction and fiction, so I don't think there's a single writer who influences me.
Symbolic violence is violence wielded with tacit complicity between its victims and its agents, insofar as both remain unconscious of submitting to or wielding it.
Dancing is to music what a beloved wife is to her husband. Both of them are so in love, you can't separate them.
There's a lot of times that both myself and my brother wish, obviously, that we were just completely normal.
As a singer, I have won the highest honours in China. Actually I am like the panda: we are both national treasures.
When the strong box contains no more both friends and flatterers shun the door.
The writer's language is to some degree the product of his own action; he is both the historian and the agent of his own language.
What is truth? Truth is ever-changing law. We both have truths. Are mine the same as yours? (Crucify him! Crucify him!)
To make sustainable progress in reducing extreme poverty will require improvements in both the quantity and quality of aid.
Morally, the world is both better and worse than it was. We are worse off than in the middle ages, or the 17th and 18th centuries, in that we have the atomic menace.
In the non-material scenario, both temple or total quality gets raised, deploying communication as mortar, culture as reinforcement, and commitment as concrete.
Both God and goodness are structured upon a foundation which solicits the essentials of higher level logic – a part of holy-istic culture.
I'm probably a bit of a cheeky grandson, like my brother as well. We both take the mickey a bit too much.
When it comes to the hijab - why to wear it, whether to wear it, how to wear it - there is theology and then there is practice, and there is huge diversity in both.
Certainly, the Bush Administration will rely in the first instance on its friends, since it would be both illogical and counterproductive to reward its adversaries.