Come with me,' Mom says. To the library. Books and summertime go together.
I Heart You, You Haunt MeI was always reading books when I should have been doing math and the rest of it.
I Am the MessengerHow many cities have revealed themselves to me in the marches I undertook in the pursuit of books!
Illuminations: Essays and ReflectionsBooks have the power to change and transform your life like few other things you have.
On The Journey To AchievementWe may not all be on the same chapter, but we should be in the same book". ~R. Alan Woods [2007]
The Journey Is The Destination: A Photo JournalFor books continue each other, in spite of our habit of judging them separately.
A Room of One's Own and Three GuineasAnybody can write a book. But writing it well and making it sell - that's the hard part.
The Rise Of MajickEverybody comes to the library naked. That's why they come here - to dress themselves in books.
The Rabbit Back Literature SocietyBooks matter. They are an inspiration, an escape. Something bigger than we are...
The Secret of Happy Ever AfterWhat a writer brought to a book didn't matter as much as what the reader contributed.
Shelf Life: Fantastic Stories Celebrating Bookstores