Books do furnish a room.
Silas consumed only one food, and it was not bananas.
No book is written; it's always re-written
When I was a girl the books I read were by men.
Kalau melihat kesuksesan orang lain, seharusnya kita jangan mau kalah.
You can’t enjoy art or books in a hurry.
The Bible is the greatest book ever written.
Books are more to treasure than cars.
My wish is to create a huge library of books.
The Bible is the most inspired book of all times.
Share a book and you'll make a friend!
A half-read book is a half-finished love affair.
I read my first book on Woodrow Wilson at age 15, and I was hooked.
There have been more books alone written about Hamlet than have been written about the Bible.
It's kind of amazing that people will travel because of a book. I admire that.
The book “Little Women,” what, is that about midgets? I freaking love midgets.
Ignatius B. Samson, welcome to the Cemetery of Forgotten Books.
I wanted to live among books.
Even prisoners can escape if they have books.
The first duty of a revolutionary is to get away with it.
Strategy is about shaping the future.