If it was my lot that I should have him for only a little while, then have him I would.
The Hidden Icon (Book of Icons)The eternal world and the mortal world are not parallel, rather they are fused.
Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic WisdomIn the end it will not matter how we have told our story, but only how God sees it.
The Book of Ezekiel, Chapters 1-24The more elaborate his labyrinths, the further from the Sun his face.
The Book of Mirdad: The Strange Story of a Monastery Which Was Once Called the ArkThe finest peculiarity of belief is that believers do not recognize themselves as believers.
The Book of Immortality: The Science, Belief, and Magic Behind Living Forever[mother] belonged to a realm of other creatures: smaller, lighter, more easily blown away.
The Book of Laughter and ForgettingHer first marriage, a distressing experience involving an umbrella, had to be annulled.
A Book of Secrets: Illegitimate Daughters, Absent Fathers