What’s furry, has four legs, and meows? My dinner, before I killed and cooked it.
This Book Has No TitleI wear brown shirts to protect against the combination of coffee and clumsiness.
This Book Has No TitleI’m going to Australia. But first I’ve got to put on my swimming suit and stretch.
This Book Has No TitleI have failed, and I should bury my failure. I need a trowel (it was a small failure).
This Book Has No TitleI put the “now” in knowledge. Well, I will put it there, probably tomorrow or tomorrow’s tomorrow.
This Book Has No TitleI notice when you’re gone. Or do I? How can I observe something that isn’t there?
This Book Has No TitleLowkey punchdrunk off this Sangria-sweet love and all it’s prodigious trappings…
Unknown Book 9429921A self without a shelf remains cryptic; a home without books naked.
Unpacking My Library: Writers and Their Books