'XIII' is a spy show. I think the comic book is a little too similar to 'The Bourne Identity.' I tried to take it away from that. I believe there was, many years ago, before the Bourne movies, a lawsuit that made it so they couldn't be published in E...
You have plausible deniability, as they say in politics, as an author with movies. Because if the movie is terrible, you simply say they failed to catch the genius of the book.
Lloyd Richards: A Hollywood movie star just arrived. Margo Channing: Shucks, and I sent my autograph book to the cleaner.
Bachinski: There's a strange entry in two of the burglars' address books. Bob Woodward: Yeh? Bachinski: One says "H.H. at W.H."; the other says "Howard Hunt, W. House".
The Pin: You read Tolkien? Brendan Frye: What? The Pin: You know, the Hobbit books? Brendan Frye: Yeah. The Pin: His descriptions of things are really good. He makes you wanna be there.
Celine: Do you think you would have finished your book if you were fucking someone every five minutes? Jesse: I might have welcomed the challenge.
The truth is that since the first book, I have wanted to emulate Benjamin Franklin and put together a healthy, wealthy and wise trilogy and so healthy was 'The 4-Hour Body,' wealthy was 'The 4-Hour Workweek' and then wise is 'The 4-Hour Chef.'
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An Atheist is no different than a beliver who does evil in God's name. No different than a person speaking of any religion or holy book, but ethically dull, immoral and spiritualy corrupted".
I was an early reader, and my grandmother, who as a child had been forbidden to read by a father who believed books to be frivolous time-wasters, delighted in putting her favorite volumes into her grandchildren's hands.
Also, most people read fiction as an escape - and I wonder whether my books aren't a bit too grounded in reality to reach the widest possible audience.
Throw out the rule book. If you like wearing navy and black together, wear it; if you like mixing up gold and silver jewellery, mix it. If you like it, wear it - don't care about what anyone else thinks.
I believe passionately in preemptive pessimism, especially before a book comes out. I expect the worst both from reviewers and sales, and then, with any luck, I may be proved wrong.
There are certain books that should be taken away from young writers; that should be prised out of their clutching fingers and locked away until they are all grown up and ready to read them without being smitten.
Since I've written many of my books from a less-than-sympathetic viewpoint, I think that being able to see things from all sides is a useful talent.
If I read a book that impresses me, I have to take myself firmly by the hand, before I mix with other people; otherwise they would think my mind rather queer.
If I read a book that impresses me, I have to take myself firmly in hand before I mix with other people; otherwise they would think my mind rather queer.
This character's entirely invented, and the woman that I interviewed wouldn't recognize herself, or really anything about herself, in this book, which she hasn't read, because she doesn't read English.
Of all the unexpected things in contemporary literature, this is among the oddest: that kids have an inordinate appetite for very long, very tricky, very strange books about places that don’t exist.
I have loved many men, but only one in real life. All of the other men who have ever stolen my heart in more than friendship, are in books.
I did go there later, but I hadn't been there before I wrote the book. Sometimes I feel like the imagined can feel more real than the real?