I was in the South of France. I saw a Brownie on a school trip. She was holding up a book. It said on the front 'rough guide'. I thought: 'Yeah' she's not a looker.
Thank heaven, though, one of the few mistakes I haven't made is to talk about the unwritten book.
I grew up in a completely bookless household. It was my father's boast that he had never read a book from end to end.
Very often I'll find out at the end of a book what I put in at the beginning. A sort of process of elimination and discovery in one.
Man, I don't read books! I just read a bunch of 'Walking Dead' comics. I don't even read comics, but zombies are something I just can't get enough of.
I guess my guilty pleasure would be listening to the British audio versions of the 'Harry Potter' books.
I meet people at book signings. My record now, for signing, is ten and a half hours in one sitting.
Being a bestseller doesnt mean they wrote a great book. Just means they knew a lot of people who would buy it.
But I've been at writing long enough now to know that every three or four books I have to start a new direction.
People think writing a children's book is something you could do in an afternoon but it's actually really hard.
The job of the first eight pages is not to have the reader want to throw the book at the during the first eight pages.
A life is like a book of many chapters, some interesting, a few boring,a handful sad,one or two memorable, many joyful and others thoughtful.
A life is similar to a book. Some chapters are boring,a few emotional, a handful memorable,others saddening,one or two thoughtful and many full of smiles.
Some spiritually alert parents hold early-morning devotionals with their families in their homes. They have a hymn, prayer, and then read and discuss the Book of Mormon.
The Book of Mormon, the record of Joseph, verifies and clarifies the Bible. It removes stumbling blocks; it restores many plain and precious things.
There is a difference between a convert who is built on the rock of Christ through the Book of Mormon and stays hold of that iron rod, and one who is not.
I've read all the 'Game of Thrones' books many times over, so I sometimes find it easier being on set, because it can be hard to get out of character.
My books start almost before I realise it. Once in a while, some accident causes an idea to rise to the surface and say: 'now.'
I don't go to the beach. There is no value in going to the beach. If I did go I would probably read economics books.
If life was a book; every day would be a new page, every month would be a new chapter, and every year would be a new series.
The difficulty with film is you always have to consign a story to being a certain length, whereas with a book you don't have budget constraints; you can cast it yourself.