Érase una vez un ángel y un demonio que se enamoraron. Pero su historia no tuvo un final feliz
Daughter of Smoke & BoneYearning for love made her feel like a cat that was always twining around ankles, meowing
Daughter of Smoke & BoneYou really think joy is easier to come by than pain? What have you had more of?
Daughter of Smoke & BoneDon't care for her tongue, do you? How strange. I find it one of my favorite parts. Bones to Gregor
Destined for an Early GraveSometimes I can hear my bones straining under the weight of all the lives I'm not living.
Extremely Loud and Incredibly CloseHe never did get right all the way again. And every once in a while he'd come down all bitey.
Flesh and BoneIt was words and reading that had made me quiet, and being quiet had made me a mark.
Fire Shut Up in My BonesBones just stared. "You're not a woman," he said finally. "You're the Grim Reaper with red hair!
Halfway to the GraveI felt lonely and content at the same time. I believe that is a rare kind of happiness.
Bag of Bones