Evelyn stared into the empty ice cream carton and wondered where the smiling girl in the school pictures had gone.
The only reason guys wanna play pool with girls is to see you leaning over the table, looking sexy. Not that I wouldn't enjoy that... immensely." - Chris
Life goes on, and deadlines arrive, even when it seems the world should stop out of respect for a shattered self-esteem.
Life goes on, and deadlines arrive, even when it seem the world should stop out of respect for a shattered self-esteem.
Get out of here. Yoda so does not have an English accent!' 'Other than that you're saying I'm a dead ringer?' 'If the shoe fits.' 'Sheesh, I hate tall girls.
Fine, I'll teach you,' 'Besides, there's only so many times a girl wants to fall on her butt in front of the boy she's out to impress.
Yeah, well, not many boys take their girls out on a duck shoot with them as target for a first date. You have to give me points for style.
At this very moment with my girl in my arms, I feel like there’s nothing I can’t do for her, for us. — Duke
You don’t understand; this girl’s different. She’s beautiful, kind, giving, sweet, strong, stubborn, and quite a smart ass.” Connor Black's thoughts on Ellery Lane
No one but another painter could know the delicacy required to balance the complexities, to keep reality at bay in order to remain in the innermost center of his work.
Boys, at war, so far away, will naturally droop, both in body and mind, from lack of a particular girl’s snuggling and cuddling.
Adam's hot Pheebs! Admit it girl. That body is like some kind of happy experiment. It's like he was manufactured in a nympho scientist's secret laboratory
You know I don’t listen to market gossip,” she began, “but it is hard not to hear it when my daughter’s name is mentioned.
Blame the economy, blame bad luck, blame my parents, blame your parents, blame the Internet, blame people who use the Internet.
...I think I might die if I don't kiss you right now. A real-life kiss.
So are there any asshole guys here I can start dating?' she says. 'That's, like, my pattern.
Hearing my brother’s words coming out of Henry, this stranger in a strange town, made me feel wild with all the loss—wild and wired with no place to put those feelings.
It was an oddly satisfying idea to feel bereft as I left my mother this time. We only feel bereft when we’re deprived of something meaningful.
Do ghosts drink tea? They don't, said Tansey. But this ghost would love to see a cup of tea in front of her. It'd be lovely.
Sometimes she is struck by how much she goes through life almost unconsciously. She is being swept along. She is a pale ghost.
You saw my leg?" "How can a man help what he sees?" he said. "And, if I could add, you possess a very fine leg.