I think my body is beautiful, and I'm confident to embrace it. There's nothing to be ashamed of if you're a size 14, as long as you're fit and healthy.
The new record started out being about loss, but it's morphed into being about how relationships go on even though one person is not in a body anymore.
I have always taken care of my body; I'm not a drinker, I've never smoked. And I've always exercised. That's all you have to do.
Leaders today are isolated by phalanxes of body guards. It's profoundly undemocratic, the way they have used terrorism as a means to protect themselves.
Many of us are tethered to bodies that sabotage us in our struggle to keep from getting fat, or to slim down when we do.
I saw a bank of white light, and then I saw all my beloved animals. For a moment I stepped out of my body.
I chalk up the fact that I got diabetes to my body saying, 'Dude, you have been doing wrong for way too long!'
I like words. Words are places, rooms, distant airs, thin and tropical. They make us feel and imagine we are more than our bodies.
There's one secret to hitting hard, and that is to completely dedicate your body. That's the difference between a man going forward and a man going backward, no matter how big he is.
If you clean your body out so that it is not fighting against you, you rest better, think better and you're always light on your feet.
There's this list on Internet Movie Database that I'm on, and it's called 'Actors with High Body Counts.' I'm always playing the bad guy.
You can take a my body out of Nepal but you can never take my soul and Heart from a Nepal .
Crying doesn't make you weak. There's sixteen years of tears in that body of yours, and you have to let some of it go.
I recognize the fact that I don't have one single drop of Japanese blood in my body. But I've always felt half-Japanese at heart.
Concerning the harsh treatment of the body for our Lord's sake, I would say, avoid anything that would cause the shedding even of a drop of blood.
Even in the angels there is the subordination of one hierarchy to another, and in the heavens, and all the bodies that are moved, the lowest by the highest and the highest in their turn unto the Supreme Mover of all.
If I can't pronounce it, I don't want to put it in my body. Everything to me now is organic, natural, right from the farm.
We know for a fact that the body is able to process colloidal silver quite well if it is made correctly and the dosage levels and concentrations are not too high.
I am convinced that we as a body must conduct a formal and legitimate debate about election irregularities.
I am an empty mind with an empty body and with an empty soul. I am neither haunting for anything nor something.
We are members of one great body, planted by nature…. We must consider that we were born for the good of the whole