When you screw up in the ring, it's so embarrassing. But the fans don't know you screwed up unless you act like you just made a mistake.
I think whenever anyone asked me why I wanted to be a hockey player, that's where it all started, watching the Winnipeg Jets play as a young kid.
Bobby and I went through some old questionnaires about customer requirements for languages, then we compiled a new one and sent it out to a few dozen people we knew.
But if I've heard this saying once, I've heard it a thousand times- everything happens for a reason. And possibly it does. I just haven't found the reason that this all happened yet.
[voice over] Lorenzo: Most priests like to preach from the pulpit. Father Bobby liked to talk during the bump and shove of a pick-up game.
Father Bobby: Listen, I got a story I want to tell you. Young Tommy Marcano: It ain't the one about the lepers, is it? Cause that one gave me nightmares.
This China trade deal is basically like the Bobby Knight of trade deals. You know, you abuse, you abuse, you abuse, and then they say 'Well, OK, we'll let you try one more time.'
Friday was Atlanta. That was fifteen bucks. Once a month, we made a six hundred mile trip from Indianapolis down to Atlanta, and at fifteen dollars, by the time you feed yourself and buy gasoline, you're minus about ten bucks.
The last time I spoke with Robert was back in May. When his wife was murdered, I talked to several radio stations in defense of him because I know how Bobby Blake really is, and as far as I'm concerned, there's no murder in his heart.
When people ask what were the qualities of Bobby Kennedy that they most admired, it was first that he was tough. Second, he told the truth and third, he stood up for the little guy.
Bobbie: My mama used to say that America's the big melting pot. You bring it to a boil and all the scum rises to the top.
Sherrif Bullard: Don't ever do nothin' like this again. Don't come back up here. Bobby: You don't have to worry about that, Sheriff.
Bobby: Which way we goin', this way or that way? Lewis: I think downstream would be a good idea.
Bobbie Joe: [pointing to an *empty* room] It's in there... Ash: We'll all go in together. Jake: Hell no! You're the curious one!
Priest: Life must mean nothing to you. Bobby Sands: God's gonna punish me? Priest: Well, if not just for suicide, then he'd have to punish you for stupidity.
Rogue: John, knock it off. Bobby: Will you stop showing off? Pyro: What, for her? It's not my fault if your girlfriend's getting excited.
There's something deeply satisfying when it succeeds, but I'm not going to do another book just to put my name on something and make some money if it's not something I deeply care about.
I started with Bobby Darin. He signed me to Capitol when I was 15. I was 14, getting ready to be 15. Then the next encounter I had was with I think Peggy Lee. I sang background with The Blossoms with Darlene Love.
I knew Bobby Dylan back in the days when he lived in the village. He used to come and see me and sing songs for me, saying they ought to go into my next collected book on American folk music.
After two undefeated seasons of 'Worst Cooks in America,' I'm ready for a third. Going against Bobby Flay takes the challenge to another level, but I'm ready to whip these contestants into shape and the winner is sure to be from Team Burrell.
When I was 5 and playing against 11-year-olds, who were bigger, stronger, faster, I just had to figure out a way to play with them.