The story behind every song is individual to itself.
So I cut out all the drinkin' and hangin' out and stuff like that early on.
In the blues, it just takes so long for us to get recognized.
When I got to Chicago I had to find my way.
I have a pretty wide range of musical tastes.
I did play every little note on the guitar on that record.
I think we are looked upon as a veteran band.
Be my God, so I can just be me.
All rock musicians are deaf... Or insensitive to mellow sounds.
I feel there is a curse on rock stars.
If you're not polarizing, you failed, in my opinion.
My favorite rocker is Go because it is heavy and chaotic.
It all comes down to the density of the wood. Every guitar's different.
When I was a little kid, I was very impressed with Elvis.
For some reason, the concept of writing with swing chords was intimidating.
When I've finished one project, I start thinking about the next.
I'm playing to the sort of people who like the same records.
The number of contemporary artists who appeal to me is infinitesimal.
Well, since I produce and pay for my own albums, it is the ultimate freedom.
There's more musical freedom on Madison Avenue than anywhere else. It's an Eden for a composer.
They ought to put an amendment to the First Amendment that says there shall also be freedom of hearing.