A strong hatred is the best lamp to bear in our hands as we go over the dark places of life, cutting away the dead things men tell us to revere.
I think everyone should approach relationships from the perspective of playing it straight and giving someone the benefit of the doubt. Until he establishes that this is a game. And if it's a game, you need to win. The best thing to do is just walk a...
You can see where it was, years ago. Like an old woman who was once beautiful, but time has taken her beauty away.
...Death," she said, as her hand dropped away, " is how you know you were alive in the first place.
The best method for getting away with something outrageous is to do it right in front of people, and then tell them they’re not seeing what they think they’re seeing.
Do not act as if you had ten thousand years to throw away. Death stands at your elbow. Be good for something while you live and it is in your power.
The look he gave her made her turn away for a moment. Sometimes you couldn’t look too closely at another person’s pain.
I yearn to make these scars disappear And to forget about the past. To throw away all of my fears And to be happy at last.
When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
High gas prices are eating away at consumer's disposal income and could lead to a further economic downturn, especially for those whose livelihood depend on gasoline and diesel fuel.
The scrupulous and the just, the noble, humane, and devoted natures; the unselfish and the intelligent may begin a movement - but it passes away from them. They are not the leaders of a revolution. They are its victims.
Yes, she fears the cuffs, the cross and the whip, but she will get past this. Such problems, even with time, do not go away on their own. They must be addressed. André Chevalier
He who fights and runs away May live to fight another day; But he who is battle slain Can never rise to fight again
When I was publishing my first books, the previous generation of authors was fading away, so I was welcomed because I was a new author.
Some friends gladly stay, some move away. Some come and go, but their affections grow. While some, I recall, are not friends at all.
Films can be entertaining without shying away from exploring something. They can be magical and have fantasy, but also can have enough reality that you can be really emotionally invested.
Getting away from a white or light colored tuxedo shirt is always a little dangerous. Certain staples shouldn't be mixed with. Light pink or blue is not bad, but again, you're just breaking from a classic.
All memories fade away in the end. Then, only dreams are left. And because they are all we have, we confide our life’s worries to them.
The divergence of songs in the new population away from those in the progenitor population would only be prevented if these processes were balanced by repeated immigration and subsequent breeding: song flow.
See the flower, how generously it distributes perfume and honey. When it's work is done, it falls away quietly. Try to be like the flower, unassuming despite all it's qualities.
We ought not to treat living creatures like shoes or household belongings, which when worn with use we throw away.